President Kagame, First Lady Lead By Example As National Census Kicks Off
President Paul Kagame and the First Lady Mrs Jeannette Kagame led by example by being among the first people to be enumerated as the 5th Rwanda Population and Housing Census (RPHC 2022) kicked off on Tuesday.
The Head of State and the First Lady shared details of the first family which were captured by Yusuf Murangwa, Director General of the National Institute of Statistics Rwanda (NISR) at State House in Kiyovu, Nyarugenge district.
On the night of August 15 leading to August 16, enumerators from NISR moved from house to house mobilising households to take part in the two week activity ending on August 30, covering the whole country.
Rwandans were called on to take note of family members who spent the census night at their homes, those who will spend it away as well as the guests who will stay at their homes during the night as part of efforts to capture the true picture. Enumerators will be asking questions around household locations, characteristics of each household member, health as well as housing and farming activities.
People are also expected to answer questions on marital status, education, income generating activities, health, property and assets and many more, aimed at ascertaining the status of each household. The government says the information from the census will be important for planning purposes.
According to Murangwa, Rwandans abroad are also expected to participate in the census through their respective embassies, missions and consulates in the countries they reside in but also through a web-based application which they can use to provide details. Those in Rwanda during the census period will be considered visitors
Over 20,000 enumerators are involved in the 5th census and started off by assigning code numbers to households countrywide.