
Minister Sezibera co-chairs the AU-EU Ministerial Meeting in Brussels

The African Union (AU) – European Union (EU) first joint ministerial meeting took place on 21 and 22 January 2019 in Brussels, and brought together foreign ministers from both unions, as well as EU/AU commissioners.

Dr. Richard Sezibera, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Rwanda and Federica Mogherini, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, co-chaired the meeting.

The ministerial meeting covered three main themes: Political aspects: peace, security and governance; Economic aspects: trade, investment, and economic integration; Multilateralism: strengthening cooperation in support of a rules-based global order.

Addressing the meeting, Richard Sezibera, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Rwanda, reminded the gathering that this Ministerial Meeting was conceived as one of the mechanisms meant to strengthen the cooperation between the two Unions in the spirit of a renewed Partnership of the Abidjan Declaration.

“The objective in Abidjan during the 5th EU-AU summit was to renew the strength of the partnership between the two Unions and to help maintain the momentum. We are happy that today has set us on a path towards a renewed partnership among equals facing a challenging world in a coordinated way,” said Minister Sezibera.

In peace and security, Minister Sezibera said that there is a need to reinforce the cooperation towards the full implementation of the African Peace and Security Architecture, as well as the Peace Fund.

“I am glad that we meet at a time when Africa is on a good trajectory to meet its $400 million target for the Peace Fund. Over $70 million has been raised so far, and a Governance mechanism, in which the European Union is involved, has been set up,” he added.

On the economic front, Minister Sezibera reiterated the importance it is important to note that the effective implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area, once into force, and the Africa-Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs, will offer huge opportunities for intracontinental and intercontinental economic integration and trade. It then goes without saying that trade requires sustainable investment, growth, infrastructure, development of industries and the private sector.

Minister Sezibera welcomed ongoing discussions and efforts being made at continental and global level to tackle challenges such as issues of migration and climate change. On global governance, he reiterated the need of effective multilateralism that is able to deliver the expectations of today’s world. He emphasized that the challenges experienced reflect the need for deeper dialogue and reexamination of global governance in order to effect the necessary reforms.

In her opening remarks, Federica Mogherini, High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, said: ‘This meeting confirms our common determination to build on our partnership and move towards an even stronger, deeper and more political partnership and friendship between both continents. A partnership that we all, Africans and Europeans alike, see as our shared and vital interest. This is a partnership that works, first of all, and it works because we are both committed to it.

The EU-AU ministerial meeting was the first annual inter-Summit EU-AU ministerial meeting. It was an opportunity to take stock of the implementation of the outcome of the 5th AU – EU Summit (Abidjan, 29-30 November 2017), which marked a mile stone in reshaping the partnership into an even stronger, mutually beneficial partnership better adapted to a rapidly evolving global context.


