Nairobi governor Johnson Sakaja meets MCAs, ‘spends’ zero of public funds
Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja says the retreat meeting he recently held with the Members of County Assembly (MCA) was not funded by the county.
The youthful politician was forced to address the claim following an inquiry from a nosey fan after he posted photos showing him engaging the MCAs.
“My people of Nairobi; you chose well.,” he explained.
“These MCAs are really passionate about making a difference. We shall work together and make Nairobi a city of order, dignity, hope and opportunity for all. Let’s make Nairobi Work.”
The fan then asked: “This meeting couldn’t be held in an office to save Nairobians the huge cost of funding such meetings?”
Sakaja responded by saying: “Zero. Not funded by county.”
Sakaja recently took oath of office to serve as the fourth governor of the capital after Evans Kidero, Mike Sonko and Ann Kananu.
The event was held at the Kenyatta International Convention Centre (KICC) in Nairobi and attended by among other, President-Elect William Ruto.
Formerly Nairobi Senator, Sakaja floored Polycarp Igathe of the Jubilee party to clinch the seat, garnering 699,392 votes against Igathe’s 573,518.
He has promised to transform Nairobi into a city of order, dignity and opportunity, saying he will come face to face with numerous challenges as he takes over City Hall where service delivery has remained pathetic, with the failures being blamed on broken or dysfunctional infrastructure and facilities.
He plans to keep Nairobi clean, decentralize the public service, fix the water problems, free lunch in public schools, providing electronic single business permits, build sports complex in each sub county and ensure that bus stop sheds, toilets, water points and street furniture are clean.