Premier Ngirente commissions 656 cadet officers
Prime Minister Dr. Edouard Ngirente, on Wednesday, October 27, commissioned 656 officers of the 11th Cadet Course intake. They include 574 officers who joined Rwanda National Police (RNP) with the rank of Assistant Inspector of Police (AIP), 38 from the National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS), 34 from Rwanda Investigation Bureau (RIB) and 10 who joined Rwanda Correctional Service (RCS).
The colourful ceremony held at the Police Training School (PTS) Gishari in Rwamagana District was also attended ministers, RNP leadership and senior officers from other security institutions as well as families and friends of the graduands, in compliance with the national Covid-19 prevention guidelines.
PM Ngirente thanked the commissioned officers for their resilience to complete the cadet training successfully.
“This is also a moment to thank your parents and families, who encouraged and supported you to join the cadet training and to serve your country. To achieve this milestone as officers joining the Rwanda National Police family, it required courage and determination, staying focused and discipline, and we are witnessing that today,” PM Ngirente said.
He added that one of the pillars of RNP is the existing working framework with the people and other institutions and urged the officers to add value to this community policing concept to give Rwandans services that befit them.
“Governance and security are interconnected. In the duties that you have started today to ensure security of the country, always remember that your first duty is to work for Rwandans and all people living in Rwanda.”
He thanked them for staying focused and for their sacrifice during this COVID-19 period as one of the groups that were on the frontline to implement the national efforts against the pandemic.
In the middle of their training, the officers suspended the training mid-way to support the country in tracing COVID-19 contacts, spent days and night on call center duties as well as enforcement of the directives and transportation of contacts or positive cases.
“You showed courage, respect, discipline and this is what defines your everyday duties as police officers regardless of your rank,” the Prime Minister told the officers.
“We now live in a globalized world where crimes today are facilitated by technology. As security organs, you also have to adopt and move with the trend. The Government of Rwanda will continue to support RNP to acquire modern policing equipment.”
Training he added, is continuous so as to move with the changing policing environment and to be able to effectively counter the emerging security challenges.
“This is the firm security foundation that our country wants… a foundation that gives the citizenry sustainable security, a firm pillar for our country’s development; that is how it will forever be.”
The commandant of PTS, Commissioner of Police (CP) Robert Niyonshuti said that the course was designed to develop character, resilience, professionalism, leadership, and responsibility of police officers.
“Cadet officers were trained under difficult conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic, but they remained resilient and did not let this discourage them. This was made possible by the vison of our leadership led by His Excellency Paul KAGAME, the President of the Republic, which allows the school to expand in academics, trainers and infrastructure,” CP Niyonshuti said.
He further thanked the Ministry of Justice and RNP leadership for their continued support to achieve the PTS mission.
The officers include those, who graduated from the National Police College (NPC), majority in the field of science technology. During their course, they officers also composed songs for morale boosting during training and in outreach activities.
It was all tears of joy as the commissioned officers met their loved ones for the first time in 13 months of cadet training due to challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.