The ruling was read on Friday 22nd October 2021.
The trio has been accused of conspiracy in illegal border crossing crime, and helping Kizito to bribe his way out.
Plans to flee the country started in January 2020, one month before Kizito was arrested.
It is said that the house help of Kizito dragged Nhayabahiga into the case to provide support while Harerimana was hired to intervene as a driver.
Rwanda Investigation Bureau (RIB), on 13th February 2021, announced that he was arrested in Nyaruguru district.
The day Kizito’s attempt to escape was foiled; residents said that they saw him taking cover in a forest located in the vicinity of the border between Rwanda and Burundi.
Kizito had been arrested in 2014 and handed 10-year sentence in 2015. He was convicted for crimes ranging from convicted conspiracy to murder, treason and formation of a criminal gang among others.
He was released in September 2018 under presidential prerogative of mercy.
On 17th February 2020, Rwanda National Police announced that Kizito was found dead inside its detention facility in Remera after committing suicide by hanging.