Women Parliamentary Network Adopts Resolution On Ending Gender Based Violance
The 47th Francophonie Parliamentary Assembly (APF) Network of Women Parliamentarians has passed a draft resolution on the framework policy to prevent and fight against harassment of women and girls in French-speaking parliaments.
The resolution proposed by the Quebec section of the APF to the Network of Women Parliamentarians, passed this July 6, 2022 at the ongoing APF assembly in Kigali, recognizes and cites international laws, treaties and obligation of governments to respect human rights especially women.
The resolution was based on the International Labor Organization’s Convention No. 190 concerning the Elimination of Violence and Harassment in the World of Work, adopted in 2019 right of everyone to a working environment free from violence and harassment, particularly based on gender.
It stated that parliamentarians should lead the way in ensuring that their working environment is free from all forms of violence and harassment.
Based on this resolve, the APF Network of Women Parliamentarians, meeting in Kigali called on all APF members to adopt exemplary behavior, free from any harassment and other unacceptable practices, or threats of such acts and practices, which are intended to cause or are likely to cause harm to physical, psychological, sexual or economic, including gender-based violence.
“The resolution invites APF member parliaments to familiarize themselves with and draw inspiration from the policy framework to prevent and combat harassment, and to be proactive in order to prepare a coherent strategy against harassment in their parliament,” said MP Maryse Gaudreault, the Chairperson of the APF Network of Women Parliamentarians.
A declaration that was adopted requested APF parliaments to ensure the effective implementation of their anti-harassment policy, in particular by offering assistance and advice services, providing mandatory training to all employees and all parliamentarians, by setting up information and awareness-raising campaigns, and by carrying out regular monitoring and updating of the policy.
MP Edda Mukabagwiza from Rwanda showed doubts on APF being in position to come up with policy of fighting gender violence since this is done by government as a constitutional obligation.
The draft resolution will be submitted to the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF) for further action.