Health Minister dismisses from Public servants Gicumbi District Official Linked to Loss of Millions by Community Workers
The director of a health center in Gicumbi district whose scam caused loss of millions by a community health workers’ cooperative, has been forced out of his office by Health Minister Dr Diane Gashumba.
The Health Minister has suspended Hussein Niyoyita Zoubair, who was director of Mukarange health center in Mukarange sector, Gicumbi district.
The suspension follows our exposé in which a Cooperative ‘Nkomeye ku Buzima’, who are all community health workers ‘Abajyanama b’ubuzima’, were conned into spending over Rwf 15m on constructing rentals that never materialized.
The dismisal letter for Niyoyita that we have a copy from the health minister personally was signed on July 17.
However, officials at Gicumbi district headquarters and the main referral hospital, who are superiors of the accused Niyoyita, say he has not been reporting to work in the past two weeks. It suggests that immediately after Dr Gashumba signed the letter, the Mayor of Gicumbi was notified who immediately also directed Niyoyita not to return to work.
The Health Minister’s letter says Niyoyita is dismissed from public servants for he caused a huge financial loss for Cooperative ‘Nkomeye ku Buzima’, a case that has been pending since 2013. Some of the money was tax payers money give to the cooperative as government support through the health ministry. He also used illegal degree which has not been Validated by Higher Education Council,
Following our revelations, RIB has taken up the case, and parliamentarians also visited the region.